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A-TV News – Halloween Special

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I was part of a team who was tasked with creating an online course called “Lead Strong for Mangers.” This course can be purchased from the company Instructure to train manager within your own company. Part of this course existed from the early 2010’s. With the old course content we were able to refine and update the information to create this online course.


Ashton & Abby – Wedding

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I was part of a team who was tasked with creating an online course called “Lead Strong for Mangers.” This course can be purchased from the company Instructure to train manager within your own company. Part of this course existed from the early 2010’s. With the old course content we were able to refine and update the information to create this online course.


FSY – Korea

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I was part of a team who was tasked with creating an online course called “Lead Strong for Mangers.” This course can be purchased from the company Instructure to train manager within your own company. Part of this course existed from the early 2010’s. With the old course content we were able to refine and update the information to create this online course.


Club Scrub

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I was part of a team who was tasked with creating an online course called “Lead Strong for Mangers.” This course can be purchased from the company Instructure to train manager within your own company. Part of this course existed from the early 2010’s. With the old course content we were able to refine and update the information to create this online course.

Permaculture Course

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USU Extension received a grant to educate amateur gardeners on the benefits and how to begin permaculture gardening. Myself and another videographer were tasked with creating an online learning series for a permaculture course.

Lazy B Ranch

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I was flown to Lazy B Ranch to create a landscape video. The owners of the ranch wanted to use the video as an archive to remember the land before the power line construction began on the area. They want to remember the land before there are large traces of civilization going through the landscape.